E-Business Policy Forum 2020

30th November 2020, Kathmandu

Law, Policy, and Practices of e-Business in Nepal

E-BUSINESS POLICY FORUM 2020 is being organized by Delta law Firm and Internet Governance Institute together with co-organizers Innovative legal service and Nepal Internet Foundation. The virtual session is going to be held on 4th December 2020

Post COVID-19, the eCommerce industry is increasing rapidly. As we know that everything needs to work in a system and walk the path according to the rules. Draft legislation on E-Business is being prepared by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Supply has prepared which is still at a preliminary stage. So, Looking at the need for wider consultation, knowledge, and discourse on the various legal and policy issues of e-commerce this session is organized. In this virtual session, there will be a discussion with the stakeholders on the laws, policies, & practices of e-commerce industries in Nepal.

E-Business Policy Forum Objective

The objective of the forum is to discuss various dimensions of law, policy, and practices of e-commerce in Nepal. The Discussion session on e-business will focus on the following:

  • Technological trends and their legal impact on the e-commerce industry.
  • Regulatory frameworks as well as their practices in Nepal,
  • Issues of e-commerce like security, intermediary liability, consumer protection, and payment gateway.
  • Role of social media platforms and mobile phone in e-commerce and their legal implications,
  • Future of e-commerce, e.g. AI, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, etc., and their legal implications.

Program Details

  • Date: 4 December
  • Platform: Zoom
  • Zoom Code: 957 2254 9855

Program List                             

Time Topic Objective
9:30-10:00 AM: Registration/Entry
10:00-10:30 AM: Opening Remarks Welcome Note and Highlight of the Forum
10:30-11:30 AM: Policy Framework for Sustainability of e-Business (Panel Discussion) This session will discuss how to shape the law and policy framework in order to develop sustainable e-Business in Nepal.
11:30-12:00 AM: e-Business Industry in Nepal: Opportunities and Risks  In this session, there will be a discussion about the past, present, and future of e-commerce in Nepal. Also, Opportunities and Risks of the business will be discussed
12:00-13:00 PM: Lunch Break
13:00-13:30 AM: Legal Aspects of e-Business In this session, there will be a discussion on the legal as well as regulatory aspects of the e-business, special focusing on the proposed e-Business Bill, prepared by the Government of Nepal.
13:30-14:00 PM: Data, Sovereignty and E-Commerce This session will be about data, data jurisdiction, the concept of data sovereignty, and also about data localization.
14:00-14:15 PM: Virtual Networking This session will be about virtual networking.
14:15-14:30 PM: Intellectual Property Rights In E-Commerce This session will discuss various aspects of e-commerce and compliances on IPR in E-Commerce.
14:30-15:00 PM: COVID-19 and E-Business: Nepali Experience The rise of the e-commerce domain in Nepal as well as challenges faced by the industries will be discussed in this session.
15:00-16:00 PM: Intermediary Liability and Consumer Protection in e-Business (Panel Discussion) In this panel discussion, we will be discussing the principle of intermediary liability, consumer protection, and regulatory approaches.
16:00-16:30 PM: Closing Remarks Closing Remarks by Senior Advocate Upendra Keshari Neupane


E-Business Policy Forum Speakers:

Electronic Business Forum NepalElectronic Business Forum Nepal