No Cash in Your Pocket? Use E-wallet to Pay Traffic Fines Nepal

6 Janaury 2021, Kathmandu

Now you can pay traffic fines from your digital wallet

Traffic fines will now be compensated for a digital wallet. Electronic payment service providers have been integrated into the tax information system by the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General.

In the next few days, Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General Bhesh Prasad Bhurtel said that the service is going public. Traffic fines can be paid through online vouchers.

He said that Payments can be made online by visiting the system of the concerned revenue collection body or our

Shyam Krishna Adhikari, the spokesperson for the Metropolitan Traffic Police, said that all the work required for the online payment of fines by the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General had been completed.

They said there is some work to be done on our traffic side. After completing the rest of the work, this service will be available online from this year.

The traffic police have also developed the TVRS (Traffic Violence Record System) software for this purpose. The arrangement would be made to deposit the sum of revenue into the government revenue account by including the online payment system of the specified bank.

The branch has already taken the traffic awareness class online. However, in order to pay the fine, one has to go to the designated bank branch.

In the next few days, the traffic fines will be paid online and through a digital wallet. It is believed to reduce unnecessary congestion and also save time.

The Metropolitan Traffic Police have been conducting awareness-raising seminars in the Kathmandu Valley for drivers driving under the influence of alcohol, violating lane control, and violating traffic laws at red lights.