How To Pay Electricity Bill Online?

1st December 2020, Kathmandu

The rapid technological adaptation across the world has also hit Nepal. More importantly, it has affected the essential governmental aspect with which the general populace has to interact with on a regular basis. Many basic utilities like electricity bills, water bills, etc. can now be paid for online.

The days when people had to line up for hours in order to pay their electricity bills are gone. Nowadays, with the help of the technological adaptation by the NEA, we can now avoid the hassle of lining up and instead pay the electricity bills online through our mobile banking or e-banking apps like eSewa and Khalti. All you require is the bill for the month that you wish to pay for. The time period for the NEA online bill payment service is between 10 AM to midnight every day.

Of course, NEA still offers a chance for physical over-the-counter service at Ratnapark.

How to pay the NEA electricity bill online through eSewa.

In order to pay the NEA electricity bill with eSewa, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Login to eSewa with username and password. Alternatively, you can use the eSewa mobile app.
  2. Check the balance in your eSewa account. If you lack the required amount, top-up through mobile banking or online banking.
  3. Go to the Electricity bill payment section and click on NEA bill payment service
  4. Select the physical location of the NEA counter where you paid previous bills.
  5. Fill the form with the customer ID and the SC number provided in the bill. The SC number is in the form of
  6. After you provide the customer ID and SC number, you will be presented with the pending bills of your NEA account.
  7. Click submit to pay the bills from your eSewa wallet.

The payment notification may take up to 24 hours.

How to pay the electricity bill online through Khalti?

Similarly, Khalti is another major e-banking app that offers the service to pay electricity bills online. To use Khalti for Electric bill payment, you can use the following steps:

  1. Open the Khalti app or visit their website,
  2. Login to your account on the app or website.
  3. Make sure you have enough balance to pay for the bill.
  4. Go to the Electric bill payment section in the app or website.
  5. Confirm the counter that you pay normally. Ensure the counter is available for payment in the list of counters there.
  6. Enter the SC number as per the format mentioned above, along with the Customer ID.
  7. Click on get details in order to get the pending bills for your account.
  8. Select the pending bill for the month that you want to pay.
  9. Confirm to pay the bill and the transaction is complete from your wallet. You can see the details in the recent transaction section in Khalti.

These online bill payment service came about in order to avoid the risks from COVID-19 and has made the system much more streamlined than they were before. Moreover, this service not only keeps the customers safe, the officials in the NEA office and counters are also safe while being very convenient. Hopefully, we can build upon this addition and continue it long after COVID-19 as well.