Fibro, Nepal’s Youngest Smart Casual Apparel Startup: Web portal Review

13 Janaury 2021, Kathmandu


With the increasing use of web applications and mobile applications in Nepal, many companies have found their own way to digitalize their market. Among them, the owns to proser most during the pandemic are the e-commerce platform, which allows buyers and sellers to make daily transactions safely and easily and from the shelter of their home. Among them is Fibro, a startup company that has caught attention for going digital.

Operating from Ghattekulo, Kathmandu, Fibro is Nepal’s youngest Smart Casual Apparel Startup. Just recently, Fibro has launched a fashion and apparel web portal which offers simple-styled fashion products with uncompromised quality to suit both your personal and professional requirements.


Like many web portals, the Fibro website features four main pages: Home, About, Products, and Contact. The home page contains information about the recent offers and Fibro’s official handle. The page contains detailed information about the company and its goals. The Product page contains all the products and product details in a categorized manner. Lastly, the Contact page contains contact information for the company. Go to Fibro’s Website to visit their web portal, @stylefibro to visit their official Instagram page, and Fibro to visit their official Facebook page.


As with all eCommerce websites, Fibro has a login, register, products, product details with categories, cart, and a wish-list. Let’s view all these features in-depth.

Register and login

To be registered to this website, you need to provide your username and an email address. The username and the email address have to be unique (You cannot register with the same email address again).  A password is sent to your given email address by Fibro. In your email, you are provided with a link to reset your password. You can log in using either the username or the email address and the password as the login credential.

Product Category

The Fibro has a wide range of casual wear. The list includes Shirts, Jackets, Pants, Polos, Sweatshirt, Hoodies, Safety, and T-shirts.


The products are shown on the Products page in a Grid layout, which is switchable to a list layout. The grid layout only shows the picture, price, and name of the products, while the list layout has an added brief description of each product.

Quick view

All products have a quick view where you can view the product name, product price, product availability (in stock), and add to cart option, and product details, which include material, feature, fabric, size, and the available colors.


Any products can be added to the user wish-list.


You can compare products using this function. Click the compare button for all the products you want to compare, and a popup is shown with the comparison list. The comparison contains the title, price, description, SKU, availability, weight, dimensions, price, and cart button for all the products. You can remove any of the chosen products as you see fit.

Shopping Cart

All the products added to the cart are shown in a list with their image, name, price, quantity, total, and a remove option. The cart can be updated as the user sees fit. Users can also enter coupon codes if they have any.

The users can either continue their shopping or proceed to checkout.


The checkout page requires you to fill out billing details like first name, last name, company name (optional), street address (house number and street name), town/city, state/zone, postcode/ZIP (optional), phone, email address, and an optional order note. It also contains the list of your product and the final total price.

 Search and Sort

The web portal contains a search bar for users to search for any product they desire. They can search for products from all categories or for products from a specific category.

The products can also be sorted according to given choices:

  • Sort by popularity.
  • Sort by average rating.
  • Sort by latest.
  • Sort by price: low to high.
  • Sort by price: high to low.

Offers and Discount

Fibro offers timely discounts and offers just like their most recent Dashain announcement where they offered to deliver 3 brands to over 15 cities within 20 days. The current discount percentage varies from 4 to 44 percentage.

Delivery and Return

Fibro offers free express delivery within Kathmandu Valley and a free return policy if the products are unsatisfying.

Positive points

  • The comparison function can only be considered effective as it lets users compare the price and details of many products, which helps optimize the shopping time and experience.
  • Different categories for search.
  • The address is changeable per order, which is an addition and gives users the freedom to have their products delivered to them easily and efficiently anywhere they want.

Negative points

  • Poorly made links. Many of the links are faulty and redirects the user to a 404- error page.