Hult Prize At IOE To Host Food For Good
21st October 2020, Kathmandu
Kathmandu-A 10 day campaign started on this 16th October 2020 on the occasion of World Food Day. This campaign is initiated by the Hult Prize at IOE 2021 and NxtGen: a non-profit organization of the Pulchowk Engineering Campus. Hult Prize at IOE 2021 and NxtGen has also been organizing the highest standard of webinar “Entrepreneurship Talk Series” which has been able to bring the big names from Ali Zafar to Miss India as celebrities and established entrepreneurs as event speakers.
Everyone loves eating and clicking photos or making videos of cooking. Heros who shared food split their plate, and contributed to Zero hunger missions, and promoted our local agricultural production. While experts have foreseen a global food crisis due to the ongoing pandemic, it now is the best time to promote local production with nutritional values, appreciate hunger heroes, and support our agriculture/farmers.
You can participate in this campaign by sharing photos and videos related to our categories on your Facebook wall. The effort won’t go in vain as we offer exciting prizes.
16 October || 10 days Campaign i.e.
Till 26 October
How to Participate?
The participant can mention Hult Prize’s Facebook page and must include
#GlocalHPIOE #hp21 #FoodForGood #[Category]
These are 3 categories:
-Local food with Nutrition values,
-Hunger Heroes
-Promoting agriculture to farmers.
What are the Terms and Conditions to be registered?
- Must include out HashTag
- Photos shouldn’t be against Facebook Community Standards.
- Mention our page.
- Must Like our Hult Prize Facebook Page
- Must include the category hashtag like #LocalFood, #HungerHeroes, #Agriculture, etc
Photo with the most Like, Share and Comment combined among all submissions we will be the winner.
The prize for the winners?
- Cash Prize ( Rs. 500) for each category?
- Certificate
- 5+ Press mention for each category
Let’s take advantage of the exciting prizes.
Promo Video of this campaign: Click Here