Had A Drink And Worried About Ma.Pa.Se? Drink Smart With Your Smartphone
You are going to your friend’s birthday or wedding party and what if he/she offers you a drink? You can’t even say no since it’s his/her day, but you are afraid of Ma.Pa.Se check as well. You get stuck there whether to have that drink or not.
Ma.Pa.Se check from one hand is perfect for your cautious drive, but on the other side, it has been torturous. You got to think twice before you take a chilled bottle of beer on your hand. But now, you can prevent yourself from being the victim of Ma.Pa.Se through your Smartphone. Yes, you hear it right.
There is a new device called Breathometer and app developed for Smartphone that helps users drink responsibly. The Burlingame, an inventor of this device and app, has decided to launch it this summer in the California State of US. The device plugs into a phone’s headphone jack and, once the app is launched, users blow into the machine and get to know the alcohol concentration on their body.
“Breathometer wasn’t created to address the risks associated with drinking and driving, but to help people, their friends, and family, all to make smart and safer choices when consuming alcohol. Real-time BAC measurement is the first step.” founder and Chief Executive Michael Yim said.
Within a year, this device and app are going to be introduced in Nepal as well. So, drink smart with your Smartphone breathalyzer and get ready to pass in your Ma.Pa.Se check.