Driving Sustainable Improvement for Medical Device Quality
13th April 2021, Kathmandu
ISACA, in collaboration with the Medical Device Innovation Consortium, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and industry stakeholders, has developed the Case for Quality Voluntary Improvement Program (VIP) to shift the mindset of medical device manufacturers beyond compliance and toward continuous improvement.
VIP leverages ISACA’s Medical Device Discovery Appraisal Program (MDDAP). The MDDAP framework is a tailored implementation of CMMI specifically for the medical device industry. Medical device manufacturers are appraised in MDDAP to identify improvement opportunities against a proven set of best practices to increase performance beyond compliance. MDDAP provides a minimally disruptive and sustainable approach with the goal of improving patient outcomes through medical device quality and organizational performance.
Manufactures’ commitment to a more transparent and collaborative approach to quality allows the FDA to modify internal processes for program participants by accelerating the device improvement process. Program results show increased quality, lower costs, and greater efficiency.