NDRRMA Prepares E-learning Platform for Studying Disaster Management

21st August 2022, Kathmandu

The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority is going to prepare an e-learning platform. The authority is currently developing a platform for this.

Through this, basic information about disaster issues can be obtained. The learning platform currently includes two courses related to disaster risk reduction and management and gender equality and inclusion.

There are four modules in the course related to disaster management. There are three modules in the curriculum related to gender equality.

Spokesperson and Deputy Secretary of the Authority, Dr. Dejan Bhattarai said that the authority aims to further refine it in the coming days.

“This platform will be useful for those who are interested in studying disasters”, Bhattarai said.

The first test class was completed among the authority’s employees on Wednesday about the learning platform. The curriculum will be finalized by including the suggestions made by the spokesperson Dr. Bhattarai says.

The Authority expects that this platform, which has been prepared to provide easy access to the general public through the Internet, will help in understanding the disaster.

The learning platform is prepared by the authority in collaboration with Young Innovation and related subject experts Vanshikumar Acharya, Rajkumar Trikhatri, and Shyamsundar Gyawali.