Nepal Rastra Bank Officially on Twitter

3rd September 2021, Kathmandu

Public announcement of National Bank of Nepal officially on Twitter!

Nepal Rastra Bank is the Central Bank of  Nepal that regulates and systematizes the domestic financial sector. It is the monetary, supervisory, and regulatory body of all the commercial banks, financial institutions, and micro finances.

The Central Bank Of Nepal ( Nepal Rastra Bank) which was established on April 26, 1956 A.D  has finally announced its official Twitter account on September 2nd, 2021. Until this time Nepal Rastra Bank hasn’t had any legal official Twitter account as there was a hoax of suspending Nepal Rastra Bank’s account from Twitter which was an unofficial account and wasn’t associated with any way to Nepal Rastra Bank.

Now on September 2nd, Governor CA, Maha Prasad Adhikari informed the public about the acceptance of social media policy which leads Nepal Rastra Bank to have its official Twitter account. He added it will help the public to obtain any notices, information regarding every new update, and decisions made by Nepal Rastra Bank through Twitter.

The link to the official Twitter account of Nepal Rastra bank is here :

Recently, Nepal Rastra Bank has also launched its app “Nepal Rastra Bank” in the month of Ashad. Likewise, there’s a provision of online reporting and suggestion options available on the app with all the necessary information and notices.

To sum up, Nepal Rastra Bank has updated to the digital version which is no need of every people so they can consume as much as information online in no time, updating to new policies that have been made and everything that people had to wait for it to print in the newspaper now can be updated within a sec on Twitter and app.

We hope this article is helpful for our viewers to know about the latest news of Nepal Rastra Bank. Let us know if you have already checked out the official account of Central Bank and its recent notices.

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