Signs Of An Outdated Website
For a website to be up to date, the web designer needs to have fresh and new content for the customers. You need to sync with the upcoming trends and opportunities so that you can make alterations according to the emerging evidence of online affairs. If you can’t make changes, then your site won’t be flexible causing you to slack behind. Therefore, these are some signs that show that your website could be outdated.
I) Your website isn’t responsive :
According to a survey done by Kentico, about 44% of all customers will not return if the site is not mobile friendly and 78% tablet users and 76% smartphone users would return to the place if it works correctly on their devices. Refusing to cope with the trend, in association to mobile device responsiveness, may lose you the top spot in your search ranking also.
II) Your content is poor :
If your content doesn’t meet the demand of customers in some way or if it is stuffed with keywords that make it difficult to read, your website could suffer a lot. Similarly, if the content is not up-to-date, then this is something that should be prioritized as soon as possible.
III) You’re socially not recognized:
If there are no ‘Shares’ or ‘Likes’ on your material or blog posts, then you may be losing out on a massive potential of an audience. Nowadays sites like ‘Twitter’ or ‘Facebook’ are some of the most critical aspects of business for connecting with customers.
IV) Bad page ranking :
The rank of your page may not be directly associated with your webpage being outdated but technical factors such as loading time, page update, original contents, etc. are symptoms of a low ranking website, which is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.