Nepal Press Union Website Defaced by Indian Hackers

30th August 2020, Kathmandu

A group of Indian hackers called Indian Cyber Troops have defaced the website of Nepal Press Union.

The website prompts a dialogue box saying ‘Justice for Nirmala Panta’.

Earlier the same group of hackers had defaced the website of the Supreme Court Bar Association for the same reason.

It looks like the Indian Cyber Troops have taken interest in the unsolved case of Nirmala Panta. The defaced website shows a picture of Nirmala Panta, who was raped and murdered.

The website also says “750+ days Still Nepal Government is silent”. It is clear that the objective of this defacing is to bring attention to the delay in this case and seeking justice for Nirmala Panta.

Indian Hackers

Image: Snapshot from defaced website

Indian Cyber Troops are the same hacker group that hacked the Botanical Research Centre website back in May.

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