Compilation And Update Program Of Voter List Started
7th July 2022, Kathmandu
The Election Commission is going to conduct a voter list compilation and update programs from Ashar 1 targeting the state and federal elections.
After the announcement of the date of the local level election, 2079 BS on Magh 25, the voter list compilation and update were paused.
According to the spokesperson and joint secretary of the commission Shaligram Sharma Poudel, the voter list is being updated for the upcoming election to the House of Representatives and the State Assembly operational from Ashar 1. The commission has re-launched the program keeping in view the upcoming election to the House of Representatives and the State Assembly.
According to the Commission, Nepali citizens who have been exempted from registering their names as per the Voters Rules Act 2073 will be able to go to the Provincial and District Offices of the Election Commission as well as the District Administration Offices to register their names.
The Commission has stated that applications can be submitted to the concerned election office for registration of names, correction of errors in details, removal of names from the voter list, change of address, change of polling station, and removal of duplicate names.
Similarly, those who have voter identity cards distributed by the commission but are not on the voter list for any reason can also register their names on the voter list.
Similarly, if a person resides in one district due to occupation or business but his / her permanent address is in another district, then he/she can apply for registration at the district election office with the required proof of registration.