Sanima 3-in-1 Account: with additional features of C-ASBA and Mero Share
18th October 2022, Kathmandu
Sanima Bank has upgraded the 3-in-1 account to make the share trading platform easier and simpler for its customers.
For convenience to the customer, while applying 3 for 1 account, the customer will get a Bank account, Demat Account, and trading account and also get an option to apply C-ASBA (Centralized Application Supported by Blocked Amount) and Mero Share.
To make it easy and simple, various menus are added in 3 in 1 account dashboard to access information. To open this account, customers can apply from Sanima Bank’s website while staying at home. Customers already maintaining accounts at Sanima Bank can apply for C-ASBA and Mero shares from this facility. 3 in 1 account is a collaborative service offered by Sanima Bank and Sanima Capital which allows customers to buy and sell shares from the secondary market through an online platform.
This account can be opened by new and existing customers of Sanima Bank by filling out the online account opening form from Sanima Bank’s website Click Here under 3 in 1 Account.
Customers having shares in IPO can easily sell their shares in the secondary market by completing a few procedures. Sanima Bank is providing services from 129 offices and 122 ATM networks in 7 provinces of Nepal.