Scholars Space Recently Launches 20+ Free Courses
8th May 2021, Kathmandu
Amid the pandemic, the educational institutions, parents, and students are all perplexed with the halted physical learning especially from school. Considering the crisis, most of the people are directed towards virtual learning and different spectrum of learning. Therefore Scholars Space, the learning network, launches 20+ free courses based on skill development to allow learners for self-development in a competitive manner while staying at home.
With years of research on international innovation and learners’ need for an ecosystem to provide a stand for oneself not only with academics but self-exploration and proper network, Scholars Space brings the most demanded skills courses. To fulfill the basic requirement of skill for any entrepreneurial journey or outer world, seeking a job, the courses are prepared from basic to advanced level. The courses are categorized into 6 types includes graphics design, video editing, office productivity, google productivity, and many more.
Scholars Space, on being an open ecosystem for learning also caters to the extra learning materials in written form such as syllabus, required things for study, reviews sections along with the verification tools with the help of a wall for interaction.
Considering the learners’ needs, Scholars Space is also conducting training programs accordingly to introduce a better experience to users. Also with the idea to reach and connect to learners understanding the process of accessible learning and productivity of courses, they are looking forward to organizing graphics designing programs. Besides the learning-based feature with Learnspace, Scholars Space is setting graphs for digital learning with other features of Blogspace, Slidespace, and Entrance space.