Software means data and instruction which enable user to interconnect. Anything which can be stored electronically is called software. Software can also thought of as program which runs computer. The software can be categorized into two parts.
System software
The software which runs the computer called operating system and their utilities which enables the function of computer.
Application software
Application software is the program which is used by real worker such as word processor, spreadsheet, database management, etc.
The software can be purchased from the store, or it may be online which come in a box contain all the disk-like floppy, CD, DVD drive, etc. Only it can be downloaded the setup file from the internet and once you install it run as a program on your computer. You may also find free software; there are millions of free software separated in different categories.
Shareware or trial software
Trail software is only for a few days. It’s just for trial. You have to buy search programs after the expiring the expiring of time. You have to register again for the code to enter to use it again.
Its completely free which never requires payment until it is not modified or changed.
Open source software
It seems like freeware because it needs the source code which is used to make the program as well and to allow anyone to modify the program.
How to use computer software?
When you installed software to the computer hardware you can quickly and that program on your computer. Program icon is added to the start menu or start screen depending on the version of windows.
How to maintain software?
Software needs an update and to fix the error which has been installed on your computer. It can be done using software patches, and no error will be occurred after installation and updated for longer.
How is software created and how does it work?
The software is created using the programming language which tells the software how to works once the program has been completed, its compiled into language that the customer can understand.