Nepal To Host Women In Data Conference

A golden opportunity to attend the Women in Data Conference is going to be held on 23 Feb 2019 at Hotel Himalaya. The Data for Development (D4D) in Nepal Program implemented by The Asia Foundation in partnership with Development Initiatives and various program partners, is organizing a Women in Data Conference on Saturday, the 23rd of February from 9.00 am- 5:00 pm at the Himalaya Hotel (Skyline Hall), Kupondole, Lalitpur .

This conference aims to increase the interest of young women in Nepal in using data and exploring a career in data through panel discussions with women who currently are working in the area of data in Nepal and through data labs led by female experts around specific data related topics.

The training will be followed by four days of intensive data related to pieces of instruction. There will be two phases of pieces of training. Please select one exercise at each stage.  The 4-days of intensive data-skills training will follow this conference. 
Phase 1: 24-25 February 2019 & Phase 2: 26-27 February 2019