The British College In Kathmandu
Top IT Colleges in Nepal, UK degrees in Nepal, King of IT, Information Technology, BIT, IT in Nepal, Information Technology in Nepal.
Islington college is a private education institution dedicating students experience and excellent academic performance. It was established in 1997. It had a couple of decades-long experience and outstanding academic achievement. It was built in 1997. It had a couple of decades-long expertise in providing quality, and Business education to students and industry read IT by making it a leading Academic institution in Nepal.
This college is affiliated to UK universities. Here the college is a partner of London Metropolitan University to deliver the bachelor degree in computing: IT security and computer networking and multimedia technologies programs in our country provision. This is the first and only one academic institution in Nepal to run university undergraduate programme so that the students may choose both Kathmandu campus or LondonMet’s North London campus.
The college has a direct articulation agreement with the University of Northampton so that student may study various programs which proceed to Northampton for the final year of the BSc. Computing programme. It’s a new partnership with UK universities as the appointment of a senior executive who has been educated at the top UK universities as the appointment of a senior executive who has been taught at the top UK universities. So that the college name changed to Islington college in mid-2011.