The Project Harpoon
Social media accounts are sharing pictures of girls that were manipulated to create them look slimmer are clean up once one in all the plus-size models targeted by users semiconductor diode a backlash against them. Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr pages below the name ‘Project Harpoon’ were sharing original and amended pictures of girls, apparently without their permission.
Mostly Melissa McCarthy, Tess Holliday, Rebel Wilson, and Ashley Graham were all targeted by those accounts. It’s still not clear that who was behind this campaign, though there’s proof it’s going to have emerged on 4 Chan, that includes a history of its users shaming ladies.
The “abominable” social media accounts were lambasted by Holliday, who concerned users to boycott a Project Harpoon Facebook page that had over twelve thousand followers. “This quite hit piece is strictly why I started #effyourbeautystandards,” she told me. “I am asking my followers to boycott this page and any others I am passionate about it. Romantic yourself is that the most powerful message we tend to all has to be compelled to stand behind.”
The Project Harpoon on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr accounts re-direct to error messages currently, though an unofficial Twitter page was bearing identical name still exists. The Reedit thinner beauty thread is additionally still running. Instagram confirmed to The Huffington Post that the sheets had been removed once being delivered to its attention. A representative for Facebook confirmed to the freelance the page was now not out there.