Today’s IT Meetup Event: Prime ICT Meetup V 4.0 Start Today
ICT Meetup is a yearly event organized by Prime College and Prime IT Club with the theme “Academia-Industry Collaboration”. It is comprised of different sessions and panel discussions where ICT experts, CEO, Academicians, Software developers/ designers, entrepreneurs, and government officials join together to share knowledge to tackle new challenges. It also aims to provide the platform for IT students, freelancers, and developers to showcase their projects and innovative creations in the field of Information, Communication and Technology.
You ALL are cordially invited to Prime ICT Meetup V 4.0
Date: June 4-5, 2016
Inauguration: Saturday, June 4, 2016
Time: 9:00 AM
Venue: Prime College, Bachelor’s Building
Naya Bazar, Kathmandu