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UK is Setting up a High-risk Scientific Research Agency

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22 Feb 2021, Kathmandu

The UK is expected to launch a ‘high-risk’ science agency to undertake innovative research.

BBC states that the agency, called ARIA, is working on the lines of its American counterparts in the construction of the Internet and GPS.

The British Government has said that ARIA, which has 800 million pounds in four years, will be more forgiving of a disappointment than normal.

The Labor Party says the government needs to explain what the agency is going to do.

The Labor Party says the government needs to explain what the agency is going to do.

The Government has announced that the new body, the Advanced Research and Innovation Agency (ARIA), would be a “high-risk, high-reward” scientific research fund.

But the amount it receives is part of the money sent to existing government research bodies, such as the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

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