Victims Of Online Predators And Stalkers
Now a day internet is one of the best places for people. They spend a lot of time on the internet. And some of them take it as a real world, like a home. Most of the teen and youths are using the internet. And they are available more on social media like Facebook, Twitter and so on. As the users are increases, the predators and stalkers also increase. At present, the number of a victim of online predator and stalkers are more.
Online predator and stalker are of different types. One is a financial predator who runs different scams through email. And other is sexual predator whose focus is on children and adult. Furthermore, predator or stalker’s target is more on girls. So, they started to collect information on them. After all, they start to blackmail those girls. And even they harass them sexually.
The best way for the predator is an online dating site. They were able to find a single people there. And they can quickly get information on every individual. Likewise, cybersex on webcam is also a scam. Predator captures the image through the cam and starts blackmailing people.
Via email and website, predator as well hacks peoples account. Financial predator sends thousands of scam emails. And they also develop a site that looks like real. Through these fake website and scam emails, they steal people.
A sexual predator is in search of the victim who can provide them an explicit picture and meet for sex. They abuse the victim emotionally and physically. And there is some serial rapist whose target girls and woman. They arrange a date and end it with rape.
One of the victims of stalkers is Kristen Pratt. She is a graduate of the University of Central Florida. She responds to a message from unknown people she never met before. And that is a fake account made by one of her classmates. He provides all the information that relates to her. And start harassing her through Facebook, Twitter, and telephone. He also threatens her with death through this medium. But now he is behind the bar.
It’s tough to find out abuser because they were cautious. They have long experience on it. They cover their real identity and use their fake accounts. Moreover, they access sites by using a proxy so that no one could find the exact location. So, predators are very dangerous.
Their primary target is girls. A considerable number of girls is the victims of predator and stalkers. They sexually harass girls, and the result is suicide. So, everyone should be aware of it. And suggest you not to response unknown email or message. Sharing is caring, so share it with all your family, relative and colleague. And be alert.