Why Compliance Is Not Enough ? Dr. Pramod Parajuli
Information Security Response Team Nepal (Infosecnepal.org) is going to organize the Cyber Crime and Banking Sector in Nepal for Nepalese Communities at Dining Park Restaurant And Lounge Bar Purano Baneswor. The event is going to be held on Saturday, 18th November 2017 at 2 PM to 5 PM. Dr. Pramod Parajuli is a Cyber Security Expert from Nepal. He will deliver the following contents:
Pramod Parajuli, Specialist in Risk-Based Approach
Consultant, Datum Systems Pvt. Ltd.
News of cyber security attacks making headlines has become quite common in recent years. Cybersecurity attacks with the intent of defamation, service disruptions, data access denial with encryption, monetary value theft, and even computing resource hijacking for data crunching such as Bitcoin mining are rising every day. Due to such attacks, businesses have lost millions along with their reputation and long-term business prospects.
Businesses connecting themselves to the rest of the world via various communication channels such as the Internet, mobile network, etc. to deliver information and services are vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks. Due to many apparent benefits of being connected, it is almost impossible for businesses not to connect to the rest of the world via these communication channels.
Now a day, most of the businesses are aware of cybersecurity attacks and counter-measures. They also follow various standards for preventive as well as reactive measures to be taken against cybersecurity attacks. World-class tools and technologies are also in place. Employees are trained on safety measures against cybersecurity attacks.
However, despite all the rules in place, the attacks continue to rise and thrash the businesses. Cybersecurity is a domain where risks of business value loss take different forms. Due to the dynamics of cybersecurity attacks, compliance with security standards and installation of latest tools and technologies do not guarantee a safe business anymore. In this regard, the talk will cover the risk-based approach for firms as a preventive measure towards cyber-attacks.