WSIS+10 Review High Level Meeting
WSIS+10 Review High-Level Meeting: “Consultation Meeting on WSIS+10 Review Process and Position of Nepal”
The United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was held in two phases, first in 2003 and then in 2005. A formal review of its outcomes, known as the WSIS+10 Review process, is underway for consideration by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2015. In this context, Internet Society Nepal, in collaboration with Federation of Computer Association Nepal and ISP Association of Nepal (ISPAN) is conducting a “Consultation Meeting on WSIS+10 Review Process and Position of Nepal” to discuss WSIS+10 review process and Nepalese positions. All significant stakeholders including senior government representatives, civil society actors, the private sector, technical and academic communities are invited to join the consultation meeting.
We invite you for your gracious presence and significant contribution towards the consultation. For your reference, the program schedule is as follows: The program will be held on 9th October 2015, 2 PM at Hotel Yak and Yeti.