7 Nepali Android Apps That You Must Have
As we know that smartphones are slowly becoming our lifestyle. In the race of Android development, Nepali people have successfully created their space and won millions of Nepalese heart. So these are the 7 Nepali apps that you must have;
NepalLoad shedding Schedule
Nepal Load Shedding Schedule is one of the Nepali app developed by Chandra Man Shrestha that have been downloaded millions of times in Google play store. As we are suffering from frequent power cuts. This app keeps us updated about the daily load-shedding schedule in Nepal.
Hamro Nepali Keyboard
Hamro Nepali Keyboard by Shankar Uprety is the best Nepali keyboard ever for Android mobile and tablets. Hamro Nepali Keyboard is based on the MPP’s Nepali Romanized Unicode layout and Google transliteration.
Nepali Patro is one of the top Nepali apps in google play store which have crossed millions of downloads play store. This app allows users to get information about Nepali essential events, festivals, and rituals then you should not miss this app.
Plugin Nepali in the Google Play store is a Plugin to write in Devanagari Nepali Unicode language. This Plugin is used alongside with MultiLing Keyboard. The best part of this app is it doesn’t require internet permission.
Nepali Music is an android application to listen to Nepali music, with top 10 categories, new releases and live FM radio station streaming directly from Nepal.
News of Nepal is a straightforward and user-friendly app. This apps provides all the News from NEPAL, no buggy RSS, no resource consuming and ugly looking browsers but easy access to Ekantipur (Kantipur), The Himalayan Times (THT), Nepal News (nepalnews.com) in one simple and user-friendly app.
Nepali apps bring the latest news, Live radio, comedy serials and much more directly to your android phones. Nepali apps bring Ultimate entertainment right on your Android device.