7 Reasons You Should Quit Facebook In 2015
Facebook Company is considered as the best place to work among technology. If not considered also, then how? Even the interns working in the Facebook company earns up to 25 thousand dollars, which is much more than the average income of ordinary people in urban areas. During the office time, drinks and food are free… Because of this staff friendly service, Facebook job holders believe Facebook job as the no. 1 job.
But if we say that the Facebook Job Holders has got all ruling power over Facebook, then it is wrong. The debate about this topic was going on on the website includes Facebook Engineer, Software developers, and many other officials with their critical opinions.
Among all, the primary person who has counted upon the lousy environment of Facebook is its ex-employee. The reason behind leaving the job on Facebook means it isn’t the Facebook good company for working? According to this question, here are their opinions- In a year, at least 6 Weeks all seven days including whole 24 hours they had to do on-call duty-Engineer of Facebook Mr. Kith Adams complained about this with grief- During those weeks he cannot go out of the city. During that time, he always has to carry fully charged mobile phone, so that he can receive the call from office anytime. Also at the time of sleeping, they have to keep their mobile phone on ringing mode.
The management of the working place is not good- At one side, according to the Facebook Engineer, in other many companies, employees keep their official identity and personal identity differently. But there is a lack of it on Facebook. However you are in your own life, so to be in official life is enough. Pretending being professional is not needed. The adverse effect of this thing is that the employees of Facebook are not licensed.
Lack of privacy- It is that type of place where another worker stays 6 inches far from one worker, and the confidentiality remains zero. In this type of situation, we can forget about working peacefully.
You have to work every time, doesn’t matter it is a holiday- According to the Indian Facebook employee Sunaina Sen, though you are a holiday, you have to remain connected with Facebook continuously. Unwillingly also you have to be connected with CAN Facebook Group and have to keep on receiving the notifications from team and projects. More than 1600 E-mails a day- Some ex-employees have complaints that they have to check more than thousands of E-mail per day.
Even the interns take decisions- According to one ex-employee of Facebook Philip Suka, important decisions are made by the engineers and interns, and they don’t even think that it’s important to inform their supervisor about the conclusion. It creates an impact on the cooperation’s future.
Always startup like new- According to one ex-employee, Facebook is a vast and established a company, but it presents itself as a new startup. From Officials to the policies all are immature.
Management doesn’t give damn on group management- According to the ex-employee, “Make an Impact” motto of Facebook is not for official goal but is limited for personal benefits. Every employee is engaged in increasing their influence. Even the manager keeps on thinking about his work only; there is a lack of group feeling.
Self-centered and feeling of superiority- An anonymous employee complains that the founder of Facebook, Zuckerberg and CEO Sheryl has got an aggressive attitude. They think that everyone is less than them. Most of their time goes on maximum activities.
According to one of the employee, staff size is increasing. The number of employees has reached more than 4 thousand. But the company is not being able to focus on strengthening and stabilizing the company.