84th Cyber Security Program In Madi Chitwan
The 84th Cyber Security Program sponsored by NRN USA Wisconsin Chapter President Mr. BuddiSubedi was conducted in Madi Chitwan. The program hosted on campus and other schools had the participation of over 700 students and teachers.
The Program was sponsored by NRN president of Wisconsin Mr. BuddiSubedi and NRN vice-president of Wisconsin Mr. Bishnu Adhikari. The program was organized in one campus and five other higher secondary schools. Over 700 students along with teachers have participated in the program. The cyber-crime and security program ran for three days.
Chief-guest sponsor Mr. BuddiSubedi was also at the program. Cyber Security International (CSI) trainer Ms. Pooja Gurung conducted the session, and Ms. Muna Bhatta from CSI covered the news information. The awareness program was focused on how to be safe online, mobile phone security, phishing sites, Facebook, Gmail hacking, fake email, Wi-Fi security, computer security, IP address tracking, dangerous websites and so on. Various examples of cybercrimes like social media frauds, email spoofing, Gmail hacking, etc were also presented to the students as demos. At the end of the program, feedbacks were collected from all the participants.
The ‘Cyber Security Awareness Program’ conducted by Cyber Security International is a nationwide awareness campaign, where various experts and trainers from the IT field conduct pieces of training and discussions on cybersecurity, its issues, challenges, and possible solutions. The major objective of the program is to raise awareness among young individuals about the current scenario of cyberspace, the types of cybercrimes and how to protect oneself from cyberattacks.