Apple Inc has invited many journalists to the press conference that is going to be held on 9 September to potentially launch the new version of Apple TV set-top box and its latest iPhones. The invitations were sent through the email which included a colorful Apple logo.
The new Apple TV is rumored to include Apple’s digital voice assistant Siri with touch-capable remote that will also work as a gaming controller. The users will be able to ask Siri to locate contents based on the user’s preference, where she will sort the results by popularity and where to stream those contents.
Apple traditionally announces its new iPhone releases in September.
The company is expected to unveil the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 plus. It has also launched the upgraded version to the existing version of ‘S’ range.
Media has reported that Apple is preparing for the largest production for its next iPhone.
The new iPhones will feature Retina HD displays made with 7000 series aluminum, Live Photos, 3D Touch and other new advancements. The iPhones will operate on A9 chip for faster processing and will be available in the stores a few days after the release.
Cross added that a new iPad is also going to be revealed in the event. The new iPad Pro will have a slightly larger screen for a renewed gaming and entertainment experience, full-size software keyboard and other advancements like the A9 X 64-bit Apple didn’t immediately respond to the events.