APrIGF-APSIG Joint Fellowship Program 2022
15th May 2022, Kathmandu
Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance (APSIG) calls for the fellowship application for the year 2022.
This year we are joining forces with Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) to bring you a Joint Fellowship Program which allows Fellows to attend both APrIGF and APSIG in Singapore in September.
Through the program, fellows can develop a greater understanding of pressing and emerging Internet Governance issues in the Asia-Pacific region and globally, and network with peers from diverse Internet Governance fields.
The fellowship will take place in Singapore from 8-15 September 2022.
The aim of the APSIG and APrIGF Fellowships is to bring diversity into the Internet Governance community by fostering the participation of underrepresented communities in the Internet Governance discussions.
Selected Fellows may be offered a full or partial fellowship, depending on the evaluation of the joint Fellowship Committee based on a points system with the set of criteria listed below. The number of selected fellows from the large number of applications they expect to receive will be limited by the funding that is available for the Joint Fellowship Program this year.
APrIGF-APSIG Joint Fellowship applications are open to both new and experienced participants.
Open to individuals residing in the Asia-Pacific region according to the combined list of economies defined by APrIGF and APSIG
Evaluation Criteria Priorities
Nationality & City of Residence
- Is the applicant from a developing or least developed country?
- Does the economy/country which the applicant represents contribute to the diversity of countries?
- Has there been relatively low participation/attendance/engagement in past conferences from the economy/country which the applicant represents?
- Has the applicant engaged in any APrIGFs, APSIGs, or global or local IG initiatives before? If so, please provide details of the engagement.
- Has the applicant participated in any international Internet Governance meetings as a resource person? Has the applicant been a speaker in any of the APrIGF sessions?
- Does the applicant have a clear plan or vision for community engagement or other contributions to APrIGF and APSIG, after the conference?
Contribution to Diversity
- Diversity and inclusion are essential to the values and principles of APrIGF and APSIG.
- How can you commit to fostering and cultivating a culture of diversity and inclusion in your plan?
- How can you ensure equal representation from all the communities and support participation from marginalized groups or minority groups such as persons with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ groups, rural and remote communities, etc?
- How can your plan ensure a multistakeholder process with good governance?
Return Fellowship
- Every past fellow is eligible to apply for the Joint Fellowships again, but no person may be granted APrIGF or APSIG Fellowships more than twice. (The year 2020 is excluded because there was no financial support provided to the selected fellows.)
- To encourage new faces, past fellows are less likely to be accepted than new applicants in general. However, there is an exception for 2020 fellows who did not receive any financial support, and they are welcome to apply again as new applicants this year.
- Application
- 28 April 2022 (Thu) 00:00 UTC – 25 May 2022 (Wed) 23:59 UTC
For more information: Click here to apply.