mypay cashback offer

23rd January 2022, Kathmandu

When booking domestic airline tickets, MyPay Wallet will provide customers with cashback. When booking flight tickets for any destination within Nepal through MyPay Wallet, you will receive a cash discount ranging from 5% to 1000 rupees.

When booking domestic plane tickets with MyPay Wallet, you may currently enjoy 7% cashback on reservations up to Rs 3,000 and 5% cashback on bookings exceeding Rs 3,000.

The company also stated that the three lucky people who book tickets with MyPay every day would receive an additional 10% cashback.

Users who download and use MyPay Wallet for the first time will receive a 25% cashback on any bill payment, or up to a maximum of Rs 100.

For more details: Click Here

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Mina Aryal is a Nepali tech journalist and media expert. She is currently the chief editor of ICT Frame, a leading online tech media outlet in Nepal that covers topics such as technology, business, and entrepreneurship. Aryal has been involved in the field of tech journalism for over a decade and has covered various topics such as internet governance, cybersecurity, e-commerce, and startup ecosystems. She has also been involved in organizing and promoting tech events in Nepal to bring together tech enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and investors to discuss and collaborate on various topics related to the tech industry. Aryal is considered one of the most influential tech journalists in Nepal and has been recognized for her contributions to the field.


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