Cyber Security Awareness Program at West Chitwan, CSI Nepal
Essential Cyber Security Awareness at Gunjanagar, Chitwan – Dr. Ramhari Subedi conducts training via SKYPE. Cyber Security International has performed second level training program at its own Office located at Gunjanagar, Chitwan Nepal. Trainer Mr. Chiranjivi Pokhrel projected the slides for the brief introduction to the program. As it was the first training at the Head Office, the Chief Executive Officer of CSI Dr. Ramhari Subedi delivered shed light on the security procedures before using a newly bought computer from the USA through Skype video conference in Skype. He clarified the uses of all level security in a stand-alone computer compared with the household security at the gate, room, cupboard, and others.
Dr. Subedi, then, explained the importance of e-mail account and said the security requirement in an email. He explored almost all the possible access given to a Gmail account. He trained how to provide stronger security in the email. Dr. Subedi, then, jumped to the dos and DON’Ts in the use of social media focusing on the use of Facebook. He trained how to strengthen the security level on Facebook. Ultimately, Mr. Chiranjivi Pokharel asked took the feedback of the training. The trainees Kopila Adhikari, Samiksha Pandey, Pooja Gurung, Pratiksha Thapa, and Sandhya Poudel, have given a very positive response. All of them have exclaimed the requirement of the same training to the computer and internet users irrespective of any age group and fields. Trainer Mr. Pokharel then issued a certificate to the trainees. Each participant paid RS 200 for the training.