Cybersecurity Awareness – The First Line Of Defense
Cyber Security Awareness at NCIT College. Cyber Security International (CSI) Nepal successfully concluded its awareness program at NCIT College, Balkumari. This was the 7th session in a school/college by CSI Nepal which is dedicated to raising awareness about cybersecurity in Nepal. Er. Kumar Pudasiani and Mr. Chiranjibi Adhikari, both members of the CSI Nepal team, delivered a joint presentation.
The awareness campaign was sponsored by Mr. Prem Bhandari – Civil Engineer /CEO of AMA Engineering, Virginia USA, and Mr. Anil Pandey – CEO of Motherland Nepal Organization, Honorary PRR of NTB, California USA.
Er. Kumar Pudasaini started the program with the presentation on Cyber Security and its challenges. Er. Pudasaini stressed on the need to be prepared and secured to deal with the new threats emerging daily and also pointed out the capacity of novice attackers to carry out sophisticated attacks highlighting the need to take the cyber threats more seriously. He specifically focused on the need for large organizations to increase investments in securing the information to deal with such threats.
Mr. ChiranjibiAdhikari then continued the presentation with valuable information and tips to stay safe from growing malware threat across the cyberspace. He said that being an IT expert does not make one safe from these threats as they too are likely to fall victim to cyber crimes. Mr. Adhikari also stressed on the need for excellent management to be serious about these cyber threats and take decisions to secure their organizations. He focused on the first line of defense of cybercrime is awareness.
Both the speakers urged the present IT professionals to be aware of the legal aspects of cybercrime and know the arrangements made in the Electronic Transaction Act. Their know-how may be useful in tackling these problems and also picking out possible loopholes or the weaknesses of the policies.
The program was a very effective one as the participants present were IT professional pursuing their undergraduate and graduate degrees from the College, who were the direct stakeholders of cybersecurity problem. After the conclusion of the presentation, they raised many crucial questions about cybersecurity like the ethics of large corporate houses in IT to spread this awareness among the customers.