How To Find The Best Forum For Your Niche ?
The forum provides a wealth of Information. You can find answers to your questions and learn more about specific topics.
They can also be a valuable source of promotion for your website and generator of inward links.
When navigating your way around most forums, you will notice that at the bottom of each person’s snippet, there is a signature.
You can put who you are within these signature blocks, and add in a link to your website.
Many people will just put their website address and nothing else, but to get the best from these links you need to ensure that you use keyword rich anchor text.
Ways to get the most out of forms
Ensure you include a keyword rich link to your website in your email signature.
Join only a few specific forums
Do not spam
Be helpful and not always self-promoting
How to find the best forum for your niche
To find out which discussions you should contribute to follows the process below.
- In the Google search box type keyword+forum. Another method is type book+fourm.
- Pick out the ones they seem most specific to your niche.
- Review the forum guidelines to ensure you will get a followed link that you can customize.
Do not attempt to spam forums or you will get banned, and you may damage your reputation online.