How to Optimize your Site for Mobile and Tablet users ?
Dynamic websites are very common these days, especially for shops with a large number of products and other sites with many pages of Information. They can pose some problems with the optimization process, but you can also turn this complex system around to work for you.
Dynamic websites use standard template pages that are populated from a database. This makes the information more accessible to store and manage.
The database structure can be a great help in your optimization campaign because, with some fine tuning, you can make it do some of the hard work for you.
For example, if you have an extensive database of products and you wish to optimize the Meta titles for their pages (and each Meta title needs to be the same as the product name), you could do this dynamically.
You could set up the database to input the product name into the page title for every page on your website. This alone could save you weeks and would mean you only needed to input this data once.
You could then use a similar rule for the description Meta tag, using the first line of the story of the product to populate it. This is one of the benefits of a good content management system.
If you are having a dynamic website built or are looking to buy an off the shelf package be sure to ask the following questions to ensure the box will give you every chance of being able to optimize your website entirely.
Will I able to choose and change my page names?
Will I be able to change the Meta information on each page?
Will my pages validate and conform to the W3C rules?
Will I be able to input Alt tags for my images?
Will I be able to input heading tags?
Ensuring that your new dynamic site conforms to the above will save you time now and problems in the future.
The hot tip is Talk with your webmaster to see how your dynamic site can make the optimization of your website more accessible. But Beware if you purchase a cheap content management system with no upgrade facility you will limit how much you can optimize your site.