Inland Revenue Department to Honor Outstanding Taxpayers in Nepal
19th November 2022, Kathmandu
The Inland Revenue Department will honor the outstanding taxpayers on Tax Day.
The department will honor the taxpayers on National Tax Day, 2079. With the introduction of value-added tax in Nepal on the 1st of Mangsir, 2054, more than 25 years ago, every year 1st of Mangsir is celebrated as Tax Day.
This year, National Tax Day, 2079, was celebrated with the main slogan of ‘Broad Tax Base with Voluntary Participation: The Basis of a Sustainable and Production-Oriented Economy.’
Every year the taxpayers are honored on Mangsir 1st. . However, the department informed us that it has been moved the day to the 7th of Mangsir due to the parliamentary elections on the 4th of Mangsir and that the department is obliged to follow the election code of conduct.
The department will select and honor more than 15 outstanding taxpayers who are not in dispute from different companies and organizations working in Nepal.
Last year, the government honored Nepal Telecom as the highest taxpayer, while Dabur Nepal was honored as the highest exporter.