KTM 490cc Bikes To Be Launched in Nepal
2 January 2020, Kathmandu
KTM motorcycle is going to build a new 490 cc motorcycle. Stefan Pierer, CEO of KTM Motorcycles, is planning to build a 490cc platform in collaboration with Bajaj.
Austrian company KTM has stated that, in collaboration with Bajaj, it will manufacture new motorcycles at the Bajaj Pune plant in India. Bajaj is currently building single-cylinder motorcycles ranging from 125 cc to 390 cc for KTM. Bajaj has also been working with Husqvarna. Husqvarn is a subsidiary of KTM Motorcycles.
The company has stated that it will build new motorcycles on a 490 cc platform at the beginning of the new year. The 490cc platform is expected to produce adventure, streetfighter, and feared motorcycles. The 490 cc engine is also estimated to be used in Husqvarna motorcycles.
The company currently imports 790 cc and 890 cc motorcycles into its portfolio. The 490 cc motorcycle segment to be manufactured by the company will be inspired by 790 cc and 890 cc designs.
According to the company’s CEO Stefan, the 490cc platform is being built targeting customers who want to upgrade from the 390cc segment. According to him, this motorcycle will be public in India by 2022. The motorcycle will be housed at Bajaj’s R&D Center in Pune, India.