Leapfrog Academy Announced Free Android Workshop
One of the Topmost IT Company in Nepal, Leapfrog academy is going to organize a free Android Workshop on 11th September 2016 at 12 pm -2 pm. So hurry up to boost up your brain with some innovative ideas on android.
This program will be equally useful for both beginners and intermediate. During this workshop, you will learn more about Basic Animations in Android. Not only this, within this program, most of the significant contents like “ Understanding about basic concepts in animating views in Android” and “hands-on Simple View animations and ideas on implementing multiple animations” will be covered. So don’t miss this program. It will be the right place for you to experience real working methodology on Android since it has been serving in Nepal on software since past decades.
Not only this, but it will also conduct time to time many workshop and events, last time it had performed Node js program and even planning to attend the newly refined course on later days. So be in Tune.
One important thing for this program is that you have to install software from this link: