npNOG-2 Conference Concludes With Huge Success
Internet Exchange Nepal (npIX) and Nepal Network Operators’ Group (npNOG) organized “npNOG-2” event from June 15th to 18th, 2017. The incident took place with three days workshop at Hotel Yellow Pagoda followed by final day conference on June 18th, 2017 at Hotel Malla, Kathmandu.
The workshop was conducted in three tracks 1) IPv4/IPv6 network design, 2) Network monitoring and management and 3) Optical fiber network design workshop. The workshop was attended by 115 technical students and professionals. The studio was highly successful in achieving its goal of training participants to build their knowledge and practical experiences in the above tracks to improve Nepal’s the Internet and network. Students were provided a 50% discount to attend the event.
The final day conference had several presentations on current status, challenges and success stories of the Internet and Network infrastructure from several technical leaders of various Telecoms, ISPs, Banks, Government and ICT Professionals.
The conference inauguration was done by the chairman of Nepal Telecom Authority Mr. DigambarJha. Mr. Jha illustrated various activities that Nepal Telecom Authority (NTA) is carrying out to improve Nepal’s voice and data network. A keynote presentation at the conference was by Mr. Matt Jansen of Facebook. Mr. Jansen illustrated how Facebook managed to achieve its growth and scalability by being open. Mr. Ananda Rah Khanal, Director of NTA, demonstrated Nepal’s broadband network and how NTA is planning to use Rural development fund to build and improve Nepal’s broadband optical fiber infrastructure to reach to wider areas of Nepal and all districts of Nepal.
The event will set a platform for learning, knowledge sharing and develop the community as per Mr. Samit Jana, President of npNOG, who explained the objectives of npNOG assured to improve Nepal’s network community stronger. Mr. Gaurabupadhaya, Chairman of APNIC Executive Committee and Chairman of Internet Exchange Nepal (npIX)welcomed the participants and explained the need for NOG and support by npIX.The event is supported by GON, NTA, CAN federation, ISPAN, NREN, and ISOC Nepal.
Several local and international presenters presented their papers including APNIC, NOKIA, Cisco, Juniper, and many ISP technical personals. Mr. Rupesh Shrestha, CEO of npIXupdated about the hosting of APRICOT event in February 2018, which is expected to be participated by more than 800 international and national participants from the top Internet and technology-related companies worldwide.