Pay Pal Mobile Apps
PayPal has launched mobile apps on the Android Market place which is reported by Mobile Crunch.
I phone, and Blackberry has already enabled the Paypal account from the last year, and it has updated their feature called free check captures. Blackberry and I phones took their snap photo from the front and back cameras. In which the amount of the check is automatically credited o your Paypal account.
Its 15 days shared check. Its highly announced press realizes the I phones app back in last October which is powered by Bank server. It incorporates Mite k systems patented. It’s global market-leading mobile remote deposited capture (RDC) technology.
It cannot wait until my bank incorporates these features into its mobile apps. I have an alternate rushing to a brick and motor bank to drop off a piece of paper and sign name and complete of times.
It saves app in the SD card to free up internal memory on your mobile [phone but initially reviews up from the user when not the role.
Local business will also accept Paypal payment.
Paypal mobile apps will easily be downloaded on I tunes, Blackberry app world, and android market.
You may deposit your cheque to your Paypal account with a photo. You didn’t have to reach anywhere to store your amount. It provides facilities only on Paypal mobile app.
You can easily deposit amount with photo,