Pratap Neupane Elected President Of CSITAN Butwal
As a third regional committee of CSITAN, CSIT Association of Nepal – Butwal (CSITAN-0011) is formed officially with following members on November 18, 2017 with the presence of representative from CSITAN Central, CSITAN Chitwan and students from all campus across Butwal.
Congratulations and best wishes for tenure to all the members.
Advisor : Sabita Neupane (BMC)
President: Pratap Neupane (Nepathya)
Vice-President: Asha Gaire (Tinau)
General Secretary: Pradip Bhattarai (Nepathya)
Secretary: Binita Gyawali (BMC)
Secretary: Shila Aryal (BMC)
Treasurer: Mahesh Gaire (BMC)
Executive Members:
Naran Adhikari (Nepathya)
Sudip Neupane (Tinau)
Pratima Gaire (BMC)
Anil Baral (Nepathya)
Suraj Gahatraj (Tinau)
Ashmita Pokhrel (BMC)
Laxman Neupane (Nepathya)