Province 5 Launched Mobile Application For Exchange Of Coronavirus Information
April 09, 2020, Kathmandu, Nepal
Province No. 5 has developed a mobile app to collect and transmit information related to the Coronavirus. After downloading and signing up in the app, the user will be able to send details about oneself and others.
This app will collect the health details of the person along with the location, which will ultimately help the health institutions to reach the person at their location.
The statement issued by the Chief Minister’s Press Advisor, Sher Bahadur KC also mentioned that people can report if people who came from abroad are actually staying in Quarantine. The app can also show national and international coronavirus statistics and news related to the coronavirus. It also contains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about coronavirus.
For now, this app can be downloaded from the official portal of the chief minister of Province 5. Although the app was said to be available on the Google Play Store starting past Monday, it’s not available yet.
Prixa, a private IT company had supported the development of the app.
To download the app, click here.