Re-Building Public School, Technology Is A Key
Kids of Kathmandu, along with Asia Friendship Network, was permitted by Ministry of Education, Nepal to rebuild schools in 4 of the most earthquake devastated districts. Temporary schools went up immediately to brace for monsoon season.
In March 2016, Kids of Kathmandu broke ground for first six permanent schools. In late 2016 these schools were complete. Furniture, water purification system, library, flooring were additional support Kids of Kathmandu helped for the first six schools in Kavre, Sindupalchok, and Ramechap. Kids of Kathmandu is setting an example in public school construction with all the support system. Kids of Kathmandu is successful because of its partner organization.
Kids of Kathmandu use smart pani PVT.LTD, for water purification system, Anjalai furniture for furniture, Bookman for the library, OLE Nepal for technology and kids of Kathmandu manages other support system required. Kids of Kathmandu is fortunate to have some fantastic international partners who are helping to make the school better. is providing solar lights to every kids and Shop Architects is providing design to make schools beautiful.
“We are very clear that until we introduce technology to the school, we can’t call our self 21st century school and that is what we are working on,” says Executive director Bhushan Dahal. He further added we are planning to introduce Raspberry Pi for the computer lab in every school we built. We have started the pilot project in Goraknath Secondary school in kirpipursetting 18 computers with customized furniture and all the software that OLE offers.
Kids of Kathmandu has partnered with open Learning exchange Nepal who is an expert in the field of online education for school students. Withe-path and e-pustakalaya contain in the hard drive this is taking teaching learning to a different level.
Kids of Kathmandu have also partnered with e-education from Japan where they are making DVD lessons for grade 10. Right now Kids of Kathmandu has finished making DVD for science and Maths and working continuously for its improvement.
The Idea is simple; we are trying to give some extra facility to the kids to prepare them for better preparation for SEE examination. We document best public teachers of respective subjects from Kathmandu using several methods, record that into DVD/pen drive and give it to schools. With this, kids have one extra teacher, and even teachers can use it as learning platform says Dahal.
When teachers are absent we can continue the class with DVD and kids enjoy learning from it says Rupesh Kumar Lama, principal of Bhumi Secondary school.
With so much of need all around country kids of Kathmandu is trying to position themselves as a model organization which is giving the powerful message on what is the responsible way to re-built school and how the introduction of technology can be the life changer for kids in rural part of the country.