Role Of ICT In Disaster Management Is Vital Naba Raj
ICT in earthquake disaster management facilitator, Motivational Speaker, Life Skilled Trainer, Work at Jobs Dynamics, Social Worker.
Tell us about your background
- I am Naba Raj Gautam a motivational speaker and a life skill trainer. I have passed my MA in Rural Development from S.V. Academy and been a trainer since I completed my Bachelors. I have done training in motivation, communication and appreciative inquiry. As a trainer, I have worked in IT as well as non-IT sectors related to business and other development fields. Notably, in IT I have provided motivational training to IT students and professional.
Who inspired you to involve in Motivational Sector?
- Reading Shiv Khera’s “You Can Win” and attending his session at BICC in Kathmandu has inspired me into this sector. As he was changing the lives of people, I realized I could also help others in improving their life which leads me to believe that I could make a difference by getting into this field.
What is motivation and what are the benefits?
- Motivation is the reason people need to do anything in their daily and professional life. Motive means that our confidence in that is in the highest level leading to make us more accurate decisions and making us able to accept any challenge we face.
Tell us about the relationship between IT and motivation.
- Motivation is related to everything we do in life, so it is bound to be related to IT or any other sector you think. All the IT development we see till now may it be the first Personal computer, or the first Smartphone was a brainchild of a motivated person who was passionate about IT and made it possible for us to get this fantastic technology.
Did you involved in any motivational seminar which is related to IT?
- I have been at a few local seminars in Nepal and recently attended ICT in earthquake disaster management.
Have you visited any other country besides Nepal for Motivational Seminar/Workshop?
- No, I haven’t been to any of such seminar outside the country, but I am planning to do so in the future.
What is the difference between the Live Motivational Seminar and YouTube video tutorial?
- YouTube video tutorials are very helpful and can make a difference in life. However, Live Motivational Seminar means that we can interact with each other and our motivation can be found. This is the limitation that YouTube videos can never come over and that’s one of the significant reason Live Motivational Seminar is a better option for anyone looking for motivation.
Do you have your company webpage?
- I work at Jobs Dynamics which is a consulting and recruitment firm, and it has a website,
Your best search engine and why?
- I prefer using Google as it is a very light website unlike Yahoo or any other which loads a lot of miscellaneous stuff with it which makes it fast. It also provides relevant information as per need. It is also a viral website whatever search engine we use we never Yahoo it or Bing it or Asks it; we Google it.
What is your best gadget?
- My favorite gadget is my iPhone 4S. It has a straightforward and friendly interface and can do all the things which I require making it a convenient device and the favorite one in my category.
Tell us about your hidden secret
- I am active and have few capabilities making me stand out on Social Networking sites which have helped me personally as well as professionally.