Sagarmatha College of Science & Technology
IT Nepal, IT studying of IT, Information Technology, BIT, IT in Nepal, B.Sc. CSIT colleges of Nepal, Best IT College in Nepal.
Sagarmatha is the place where mind collaborates and assemble. They pool together for individual talents across disciplined services for big projects and big ideas.
It is a teaming community with students collaborating with experts and specialists with a hub of creativity and innovation. It is the intersection of disciplines launching paid for brilliant carrier and unique state of mind. It is the perfect environment to pursue your passion. The future is envisioned and remade every day.
Sagarmatha Engineering college was established by a group of professionals dedicated to excellent engineering education in 2010. It is affiliated to Tribhuvan University. It strives to provide quality education in engineering. Sagarmatha Engineering college conducts two Bachelor level engineering program, i.e., BE civil, be electronics & communication, BE computer and BE electrical.
It has a community of faculty, staff with the partnership of students. The college seeks total educational experience encompassing classroom, community, a college that helps develop character, competence, and leadership.
The college is highly dedicating to helpful students by developing analytical and communication skill, creative abilities and sense of civic responsibility need for an increasingly complex society. It provides sound grounding for the chosen field as well as exposure to discover new knowledge.
The college seeks to create an intellectual environment to enhance individual growth for supporting scholar activities and endeavors for argument knowledge and understanding.
Sagarmatha engineering college is one of the leading technological institutions. Sagarmatha has connected the community to diverse, creative students and ambitious. It offers an incredible academic program in electronics and civil engineer.