Someone Is Dropping Malware-Infected USB Sticks
It is the case that happened in Australia, and it might happen in our country too. For this reason, I am describing it, since USB Malware damage our computer and pc so be clear about it.
Australia’s Victoria Police Force found that unmarked USB flash drives containing harmful malware were dropped into the people’s letterboxes in the Melbourne suburb of Pakenham. It is the current tactics of cybercriminals to target people by dropping malware-laden USB sticks into their mailboxes. The police force has also published this new on the official website of the Victoria Police.
Police came to know about it, only when residents in the suburb of Pakenham had informed about the malware on USB. But he was the victim by this USB malware. The worst part of it is that people don’t make this blunder unknowingly because it has long been known that USB drives can carry and transfer destructive malware and viruses to your computers.
The U.S. and Israel had allegedly designed the Stuxnet sabotage to disrupt Iran’s nuclear facility and destroyed its uranium enrichment centrifuges in 2010. So the infection is believed to carry through an infected USB stick. Therefore, the Hong based company started selling a USB stick, dubbed USB kill V2 which can fry or damage your computer when plugged into.
For this reason, if you found any USB drive in Post or anywhere first be sure about it, otherwise you are in danger. It may damage your either computer or PC.