Surprising Facts About Viber

Viber is world’s one of the most famous Messaging App. Free voice calling feature and lately video calling is also added in Viber which had made it more famous among the users. After Viber added video calling feature, people have even called it “Skype Killer.” Here, we have presented some fantastic facts about Viber, which you might not know.

The founder of Viber Talmon Macro was main technologists of Israeli America. He started Viber since 2010. In 2013 February month Viber Messaging Service was bought by Japan’s biggest e-commerce company Rakuten in 90 crore dollars. Recently, Viber has got more than 28 crore users, and every month it has reached ten crores, reliable users.

There are dozens of mobile messaging app worldwide. But, on 1st May 2013, Viber provided service like OS OX, and for Windows Operating System it launched Desktop app and reached to the high level than any other service. Likewise, the Viber App can be downloaded from Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, Nokia, MAC, and Blackberry in free.
It has created a challenge for skype with Viber out Calling Medium.

Viber does not make profits by showing advertisements during the audio calls. The medium for Viber to earn money is selling the stickers, which are supposed to be bought, allowing charge while calling the people who do not have Vibe but costs lesser than the Skype and charging on other international calls.

The secrets of the Viber is kept personal. This apps copies address book of the users in Viber’s server, but other apps scan the contacts of the users.