Webinar Successfully Conducted on “Kids, Internet and Covid-19”
Kathmandu, May 3rd, 2020
COVID-19 is rapidly changing the context in which children live. Prevention and control mechanisms, such as school closures, disrupt children’s practice. This can leave children at risk for child protection abuse.
On the occasion of ICT Day, The “Kids, Internet and Covid-19” webinar conducted at Bharatpur, Chitwan, organized by CAN Federation Chitwan Chapter and npCert (Information Security Response Team Nepal and supported by ICT Frame Magazine.
A total of 90 individuals, professionals, policymakers, have participated in the program. A representative from the Center For Cyber Security Research and Innovation Center Milan Raj Nepali has conducted the technical webinar of the participants.
Deputy Director of Nepal Telecommunications Authority Roja Kiran Basukala shares the child online protection initiative. The primary purpose of this webinar was to make children’s awareness of using a smartphone, computer, internet, Wi-Fi, and devices safely and securely and how to be safe from cyberbullying and exploitation by hackers.
The Managing Director at Techminds Communications Kamal Raj Bastola shares his experience about how policies and procedures, staff training, student lessons, and family materials in the Child Protection Unit for Early Learning through keep children safe.
The President of Childsafenet presented topics that included: how to be safe online, mobile phone security, phishing sites, Facebook, Gmail hacking, fake email, Wi-Fi security, dangerous websites, and so on.