10 Tricks That Will Boost Your Google Search Skills
Google search can do a lot of things such as providing useful links. There are ten technique or tricks which help you turn into a Google ninja.
- Phone number
If you include your phone number with your area code. It will bring the name and address of their person joined with your number.
- Calculator
If you are trying to find a solution to your homework problems, then Google helps you solve the problem. For example, 10+2 gives 12. This will display the calculator in your equation.
- Exchange Rate Calculator
If you are going on a trip then type the name of your original currency and by the help of word “To” you may easily convert it into dollar or pound. Not only this, but Google also display the calculator. Fro which you can easily convert your currencies from the drop-down menu.
- Stocks
You may type stocks or stocks symbol to find stock quotes, chart, trading volume, market cap, relevant links and many more. For example, if you type Google, you will see your results as Google stocks.
- Track flight
This is also the facilities to find out where in the world the particular trip is. You can type the name and number of the plane and Google help you find and display the information about the flight.
- Dictionary
Google helps you bypass dictionary search results which defines the words you are looking for. If you type, determine then it provides all type information related to it.
- Weather
If you need to find out the atmosphere weather, then type the word weather and the zip code of your area. For example Type weather 1 2 3 in Google search then you will find the weather information from there. Google provides one-week weather forecasts.
- Search a specific site for a word
Google also helps you find the search results for one particular location, Type site immediately without space by the name of the website to go through.
- Search for PDF files
You should have to follow similar rules as above. It will provide technical information just by typing file type: PDF
- Do a Barrel Roll
This is only for fun; you may type Do a Barrel Roll and watch what happens.