A Breakthrough of Cyber Security Awareness, Head of Microbiology
CSI Team with Shi-gan’s International College. After continuous three successful awareness seminar by Cyber Security International (CSI) Nepal-June 4, 2016, Maharajgunj, Shi-gan International College was the fourth institute with a presence of Shi-gan’s students and faculty members for Cyber Security Awareness Camp.
It was another useful seminar where students and teachers grabbed practical as well as theoretical knowledge regarding the safety measures and information about cybersecurity. CEO Dr. Ramhari Subedi along with CSI Team including Mr. Nirmal Sharma- a media personality showcased the reality of ‘Digital World’, where the use of internet has become another basic need of today’s people.
Mr. Nirmal Sharma has also been facing so many problems of hacking and virus infections while using social sites. He said, “It’s good to see friend requests and chat online, but there’s another world where those requests and chats can be the curse.” He delivered his interests on CSI and how important this awareness camp is for every user who carries cell phones and uses the internet.
With facts and figures, victim’s messages and voicemails, Dr. Subedi unveiled the unseen matters which impacted the viewers to know more about the real-life cyber-attacks; people have been facing and asking help for.
Mr. Bharat Raj Upreti, one of the team members of CSI expressed the importance of the seminar and why CSI as a team is giving their full effort to aware local people; who surely in the future have to deal with cyber-attacks and threats.
Miss. Rima Kumari Mukhiya, Head of Microbiology Department with a speech concluded the awareness camp. Miss. Mukhiya said, “The awareness camp like these are what Nepalese people need in the current scenario because so many of us have been trapped in similar cyber-related threats, We are very thankful to CSI Team for choosing our college for the delivery of such real-life problems which indeed has awake us. We surely have to move ahead as a team to deplete such cyber-challenges”.
The program was sponsored by Mr. Prem Bhandari – Civil Engineer / CEO of AMA Engineering, Virginia USA and Mr. Anil Pandey -CEO of www.motherlandnepal.org, Honorary PRR of NTB, California USA.