An Expert Who Speaks EENA Conference 2016,Narayan Neupane
Emergency Calls Handling in Nepal, ITSERT-NP, General Secretary
The structure, challenges and strategies affecting the emergency services differ in each country, as does the approach to the work of the emergency services and public authorities. This session will outline how some countries approach these challenges and hear them share their experiences first-hand.
Narayan Neupane is presenting about Emergency calls handling in Nepal. Founder President of ITS Nepal, Immediate Vice President of CAN Federation of Nepal, General Secretary of ITSERT-NP, Chief Operating Officer at Nepal Certifying Company, Youth Motivator, ICT Personality, ICT Youth Mobilizer, ICT Learner, A Young Dynamic Leader, ICT Leader in Nepal, Mr. Narayan Neupane. He Serves Social service through own sector in ICT.
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