Beauty Pageant As Platform For Anga Pradarsan
How do you define yourself ?
Well, Now I am seeing myself as a winner of Miss Teen. I feel a sort of responsibility towards my country and citizens. Yes definitely, I am a 14 years girl who has normal aims and goals which normal teenage girls have. But, I am extremely thankful to Miss teen for providing me extra opportunities which will lead me to become role Model for many youths.
What makes you feel worthy of winning “Miss Teen” Title?
Every individual have their own potential and capability. So, I guess I was able to impress everyone with my talent, skill, confidence. People say, “Hard work pays off” I guess that implied on my case. My strong determination and ability to groom in situations made me worthy of ” Miss Teen” Title.
As “Miss Teen” what do you want to do for the community around to make it better place?
I believe “Change begins from home” Nevertheless, being a Miss Teen my role towards community should be more significant. I should be role model for bringing awareness and educating them to make our country clean and better place to live in. I will try to encourage my locality people for plantation campaigns.
Who inspire you to participate in such beauty pageants?
Actually, winning Miss Teen was like dream come true moment in my life. It was dream which I used to see with my open eyes. But, it would not be possible without immense support and guidance of my Mom. And further, I was truly inspired by leadership and bold attitude of Miss Teen 2006 Priyanka Karki.
There is some negative allegation among Nepali people that beauty pageants are all about Anaga Pradarshan? What’s your take on this?
Even a coin has two sides. So, every thing in this world has positive as well as negative sides. I know many people accuse beauty pageant as platform for Anga Pradarsan. Well, for me and my family, Beauty pea-gent is platform for talent, beauty, confidence. And such nonsense allegations never bothered me.
What do you want to suggest those ladies who are aspiring to participate in such beauty pageant?
Personally, I will suggest the ladies to keep positive attitude, faith and confidence on themselves.Yes, you should have a lot of courage and determination as winning is not an easy task. A lot of effort and hard work is needed.
How selective are you while buying gadgets?
Ha Ha Ha!!! I literally laughed after reading this question. Ya, obviously being a teenage girl, I am totally selective until I find latest and best gadgets.
Will you please share us your habit on use of Social Media?
In today’s context, Social Media plays an important role for exploring world. I use Facebook,You tube and other websites which help me to communicate with people.
Do you have anything to share with your fans through ICT Frame?
Well, first of all it’s my honor to share my views on ICT Frame. I am very thankful to all those who strongly supported me directly or indirectly. And, I am proud to be Miss Teen. To all those readers of ICT Magazine have faith on your dream. It your dream is true enough one day you will achieve surely.